Flu Shots
School Flu Shots
Information for Parents
The schedule for flu clinics is as follows:
Date School Time
October 5, 2023 CVS 1:30
Consent forms must be completed, signed, and returned to Traill District Health Unit at the address on this paper or the school by noon on day previous to shot day. The forms are available at your school or on our website, http://www.co.traill.nd.us under District Health Unit. Click on “Schools” and download the form, “Flu consent form”.
A suggested donation of $25 is asked for administration of the vaccine. No donation is necessary if you have ND Blue Cross Blue Shield, Sanford Health insurance, or ND Medicaid and the number is provided.
A parent or another adult approved by a parent is required to be present with elementary children grades K - 4. Adult presence is optional for junior and senior high students. Flu shots will be given by injection only. No flu mist will be available. Please contact Traill District Health Unit with questions.
These clinics will only be for staff and students at each school. Anyone in quarantine should stay home and not attend the flu shot clinics. If your child is involved in distance learning and not in quarantine, he or she may attend the flu shot clinic if the forms are turned in by noon on the previous day.